All personal information you provide on our website is treated with full discretion and confidentiality. We try to limit the information you share with us to the absolute minimum. We will only save your name, address, phone number and email address when you make a purchase. These data are used for the following purposes:
- Processing the order and payment.
- Assuring delivery at the correct address.
Credit card information entered during online payment will be processed by Mollie, our external service payment provider. Palainco will never have access to your sensitive credit/debit card or PayPal information. In case of doubts please check the Privacy Statement of Mollie.
In case you subscribe to our newsletter we will store your name and email address on We will store these data for as long as the subscription will last. You can terminate your subscription at any moment by sending an email with your request to You will receive a confirmation once your data will be deleted.
We do not provide personal data to third parties other than Mollie and MailChimp, unless this is necessary for our financial administration, or unless we are legally obligated to do so.
Your data will be stored in our administration no longer than required by the Dutch tax authorities (a period of 5 years).
With the above we are fully aligned with the Privacy regulations as being mentioned in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Should you wish to check your data, make corrections or remove them from our systems, please notify us by email at
We use cookies on our website, but just the so-called ‘essential’ cookies. These cookies are necessary for our website to function, e.g. to mark a customer as being logged in.
Cookies are small text files that our server recognises on your computer, allowing it to see you as a unique user when you visit certain pages on this website. Cookies are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. They can be used to identify your IP address and save you time when you want to go into our website or when you are using it. You can set your browser to not accept cookies, but this severely limits the use of the website.
The website consists of two essential parts: Shop & Discover.
A full amount of time and effort is put into resourcing and documenting products that are presented in the Shop. Most pieces can be traced back to literature or documentation (like original catalogues). Accuracy and completeness can never be guaranteed 100%, though. All photos used in the shop are made and owned by Palainco.
In the Discover part of the website Palainco publishes articles on manufacturers and designers of vintage design lamps. The content is sourced and/or generated internally, unless otherwise stated. We always mention explicitly if we use photos or text from other sources. The information is not published for commercial purposes; it’s only used to share information and to entertain other ‘seriously light minds’.
It is not allowed to use photos or text from without written permission from Palainco.