Palainco Seriously light minded

Curiosity from the Palainco archive: Raak’s bedside invention from the 1970s

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A light switch, a wall socket and a bed lamp: three elements that every bedroom contains, but that often are mismatched. This problem of modern life triggered Dutch design studio Raak in the 1970s to look for a practical solution.

  • From the Raak Catalogue No. 6:

    “Reality: a switch for the main light, a wall socket and a bed lamp.

    Problem: to harmonize these heterogeneous objects in the bedroom interior.

    Idea: to integrate everything in one unit: a steel frame (17 cm x 14 cm), lacquered in white or black, containing:

    • revolving bed reading lamp with a chrome arm
    • a switch for this reading lamp
    • a switch for the central light fixture (away with always dirty, swinging, ugly on and off cord)
    • a wall socket”
  • 02_Palainco_Raak_Wall_Lamp_Catalogue_No_6_Prototype_Palainco_Archive Some drawings of the prototype (from the Palainco Archive).
  • 03_Palainco_Raak_Wall_Lamp_Catalogue_No_6_Detail_Palainco_Archive Everything in one unit: a bedside revolution? (from the Palainco Archive).
  • A solution so simple and practical. Apparently the idea never took off, as we have only once seen this model on the market (and of course we immediately sourced it). Today we are fully accustomed to the integration of different functionalities; but in those days it might have been a few steps too far. Maybe the designers were way ahead of their time?


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    • Literature: Raak Catalogue No.6.

    Unless otherwise stated, all material is sourced and/or generated internally. All rights reserved.

    • Text: Palainco, Koos Logger & Ingrid Stadler.
    • Image sources: The Palainco archive, Raak Catalogue No.6.

    The article and its contents may not be copied or reproduced in any part or form without the prior written permission of the copyright holders.

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